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Title: Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB
Author: Gonzalez, Rafael C
Call No: 621.367 GON
Publisher: McGraw Hill , India , 2010 Detail

Title: Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB
Author: Gonzalez, Rafael C. ; Woods, Richard E.
Call No: 621.367 GON
Publisher: Pearson India , India , 2004 Detail

Title: Introduction to Matlab 7
Author: Etter, Delores M. (Delores Maria),
Call No: 620.00151 ETT
Publisher: Pearson Always Lerninig , Boston , 2005 Detail

Title: Matlab : An Introduction with Application
Author: Gilat, Amos
Call No: 519.40285 GIL
Publisher: Wily , Not Available , 2011 Detail

Title: Applied Numerical Methods with Matlab for Engineers and Scientists
Author: Chapra, Steven C.
Call No: 518 CHA
Publisher: McGraw Hill Higher Education , New York , 2005 Detail

Title: Mastering Matlab 7
Author: Hanselman, Duane C.
Call No: 519.4028553042 HAN
Publisher: Pearson Always Lerninig , Boston , 2014 Detail

Title: MATLAB and its applications in engineering based on MATLAB 8.4 (R2014b)
Author: Bansal, Raj Kumar. ; Goel, Ashok K., ; Sharma, Manoj Kumar.
Call No: 005.133 BAN
Publisher: Pearson , Newyork , 2016 Detail

Title: Matlab : an introduction with applications
Author: Dukkipati, Rao V.
Call No: 519.40285 DUK
Publisher: New Age International Pvt Ltd , India , 2010 Detail

Title: MATLAB® programming for engineers
Author: Chapman, Stephen J.
Call No: 518.028553 CHA
Publisher: Cengage Learning , India , 2008 Detail

Title: Applied Numerical Methods for Engineering : using Matlab and C
Author: Schilling, Robert J. ; Harris, Sandra L.
Call No: 620.0015 SCH
Publisher: Cengage Learning Private limited , India , 2007 Detail

Title: Digital Image Processing using Matlab
Author: Gonzalez, Rafael C.
Call No: 621.367 GON
Publisher: Pearson Education Limited , England , 2004 Detail
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